Hawthorn (Crataegus laevigata) “The more we question our conclusions, the more the doorway opens for us to have a wider and wider vision. The deeper [...]
Hawthorn (Crataegus laevigata) “The more we question our conclusions, the more the doorway opens for us to have a wider and wider vision. The deeper [...]
Ashtanga Yoga Autumn Series Experiencing Loss & the Connection to the Lungs This year we have all experienced loss in some way. Loss can be [...]
This year requires us to honor this time of thanks differently. This change in tradition is an opportunity to embrace an active form of gratitude while unlearning the false narrative of white supremacy around this holiday. Let’s create a new way to honor Thanksgiving, one that examines its egregious history while seeking to cultivate gratitude and reciprocity in our own hearts.
Autumn can be a difficult time to find balance. Fall marks the time of moving inward and nurturing ourselves, but life can have a way of pulling us outwards. Finding practices that help us turn inward can help with the demand to live externally.